Events Calendar

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Dulles South Preschool  2018-2019

(Revised 3/25/19)


6:  Welcome Back Social 6:00-7:30pm

12:  Dulles South Advisory Board (DSAB) Welcome Breakfast and Meeting 9:00-10:00am

3:  DSAB Meeting 9:00am
17 & 18:  Spirit Wear Days 
19:  Movie Night:  Moana  6:00 - 8:00pm

7:  DSAB Meeting 9:00am
7 & 8:  Spirit Wear Days
14 & 15:  Fall Assembly - Peter McCory:  The One-Man Band 
                  (Not a Family Event - For Students Only, During School Hours)

3 - 7:  Scholastic Book Fair (A SignUpGenius link will be sent out for volunteers)

5:  DSAB Meeting 9:00am
5 & 6: Spirit Wear Days

2:  DSAB Meeting 9:00am CANCELLED
2 & 3:  Spirit Wear Days

6:  DSAB Meeting 9:00am
6 & 7:  Spirit Wear Days

6:  DSAB Meeting 9:00am
6 & 7:  Spirit Wear Days
27:  Teacher Appreciation Luncheon 1:00 - 2:30pm 
        (A SignUpGenius link will be sent out for volunteers)

3:  DSAB Meeting 9:00am
10 & 11:  Spirit Wear Days (Changed because Picture Days are the first week of April)

11:  Reading Rainbow 6:00 - 8:00pm (Volunteers will be needed for this event)
24 & 25:  Spring Assembly - Backyard Reptiles Alive
                (Not a Family Event - For Students Only, During School Hours)

1:  DSAB Meeting/Elections and Volunteer Breakfast 9:00-10:00am
2:  Dairy Queen Night 6:00-8:00pm 
1 & 2:  Spirit Wear Days